Advent 2013 - Week 4: PEACE

Sunday, December 22, 2012: Light the four candles on your wreath and read together the following meditation:

FIRST READER: This is the fourth Sunday in Advent. Today, we light the four purple candles (OR three purple candles and the pink candle). The first Sunday, we lit the candle of hope. The second Sunday, we lit the candle of love. The third Sunday, we lit the candle of joy. Today, we light the candle of peace. Our world is not always a peaceful world. People hurt other people. Countries are at war today. People don't take care of the world. People yell and scream at other people. But God promises peace. During Advent we pray that we, as well as all people, will seek God's peace.

(Light the first, second, third, and fourth candles.)

SECOND READER: When we look at the fourth candle, we remember God's promise of peace. We recall the words of Jesus in John 14:27, "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you." In times of war and hatred it's hard to remember that Jesus is the one who brings peace. As we approach Christmas let's remember that God's intention is a place of peace where people shake hands instead of harm one another.

FIRST READER: Read Luke 2:1-20

SECOND READER: The shepherds may have not felt very peaceful when they heard the words of the angel. They were probably scared and confused, but they followed those words, trusting in God. Sometimes all we see around us gives a message different from the message of peace. Yet we, like the shepherds, can follow God's words and trust in God's promises.

DISCUSSION: This Scripture reminds us that when we are fearful, we are often not thinking of peace. The angels calm the shepherds and send them forward with a task. Who are the people in our world who need God's peace?

What are our hopes for peace in our world today?
How do we help others know God's desire for peace in our world?

PRAYER: Dear God: Thank you for your son, Jesus. Thank you for those in our world today who seek to act for peace. Help us look for ways to be peacemakers at home, at church, and at school. AMEN.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Eve

Light the four candles on your wreath. Read together Matthew 1:18-25. We sometimes forget about Joseph. Are there those in your home or community that you might be forgetting? Take a moment to pray for the forgotten people in your home, your church, or your community.


Wednesday, December 25, 2013: Light the four candles on your wreath, plus the center white candle (which is called the Christ candle) and read together the following meditation:

FIRST READER: Today is Christmas. Today, we light the four purple candles (OR three purple candles and the pink candle). We also light the center white candle. The first Sunday, we lit the candle of hope. The second Sunday, we lit the candle of love. The third Sunday, we lit the candle of joy. The fourth Sunday, we lit the candle of peace. Today, we also light the center candle. This candle represents Jesus. When we light this candle, we remember Jesus' birth. Our waiting has ended.

(Light the first, second, third, and fourth candles. Light the center white candle.)

SECOND READER: When we look at the center candle, we remember that God sent Jesus to give hope, peace, joy, and love to all people. Outside of Bethlehem, the shepherds saw a great light and heard the voices of angels. They traveled to the manger and saw the baby Jesus.
Far away from Bethlehem, wise men saw a star in the sky. They followed the star and were filled with joy when they found Jesus. They remind us that the gift of Jesus was not just for the people in one place, but for all people.

FIRST READER: Read Matthew 2:1-12

DISCUSSION: It's amazing to think of these persistent travelers who were determined to find Jesus. They traveled with hope and faith in the promise that they would find the new king.

Who are the people in our world who need to know of God's promises?
What are our hopes on this Christmas day for our world?
How can we help people remember God's promises after Christmas Day is over?
Name one thing you are willing to do in the days following Christmas that will help you and others remember God's promises.

PRAYER: Dear God: Thank you for your son, Jesus. Thank you, God, for sending Jesus for ALL people, not just those in one place at one time. On this Christmas Day, help us remember and rejoice again because Jesus was born. May we live every day remembering to show thanks, love and care to others. AMEN.

Advent 2013 - Week Three: JOY

Sunday, December 15, 2013- Light the three candles on your wreath and read together the following meditation:

FIRST READER: This is the third Sunday in Advent. Today, we light three purple candles (OR: Two purple candles and a pink candle). The first Sunday, we lit the candle of hope. On the second Sunday, we lit the candle of love. Today, we light the candle of joy. One thing that sometimes happens as we get ready to celebrate Jesus' birth is that we expect to be happy all the time. Joy is not the same as happy. Joy is a deeper feeling created by knowing that God cares for us. Joy is remembering that God sent Jesus so we would always know of God's care. During Advent, we pray that we may remember again God's gift of Jesus to the world and know the joy that gift brings to all people.

(Light the first, second, and third candles)

SECOND READER: When we look at the third candle, we remember God's promise of joy. God promised to send a Savior to the people. Today we read from the Gospel of Luke. In the Scripture, we read Mary's song of praise and joy. There must have been times when Mary was frightened, worried, fearful, and sad. But we have these words of joy even in a time when she was unsure of the future. Her words can guide us to look for the joy of God even when things may be uncertain for us.

FIRST READER: Read Luke 1:46b-55

DISCUSSION: How privileged we are to have this beautiful song of Mary. Can you imagine her singing the words written in Scripture? It is a testimony to her faith and joy at being chosen as God's servant.

  • Who are the people in our world who need God's joy? 
  • What are our hopes for joy in our world today?
  • How do we help others know that God gives joy?

PRAYER: Dear God: Thank you for your son, Jesus. Thank you for the joy remembering Jesus' birth brings to us today. Help us live in such a way that our words and our actions help others know of the joy you give. AMEN.

Monday, December 16, 2013: Today read again Luke 1:46 -55. Make a list together of the things that bring joy to your lives. Write your own song of joy to God, or sing a song that expresses joy to God.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013: Is there someone you know who needs to hear words of joy? Make or select a card for that person and mail it today.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013: Joy is something we need in our city. Think about different leaders of our city. Select one leader of our city. Pray for that leader today.

Thursday, December 19, 2013: As we get ready to celebrate again the birth of Jesus, we sometimes get very busy. Today, take a ten-minute break. Sit quietly. If it helps you to concentrate, look at your Advent wreath. Pray, asking God's help to bring quiet and calm to a busy world.

Friday, December 20, 2013: Think about your family. Some may live with you. Others may be far away. Who in your family needs God's joy? Pray for this family member today.

Saturday, December 21, 2012: There are people in our neighborhoods, in our church, and in our community who need to know of God's peace. Select someone to visit today. Visit by phone or in person. Go as a family or by yourself. It doesn't necessarily have to be a visit to a home. Maybe there is someone you see in a place where you go to eat. Stop by today and talk with that person. Tell the person you visit one way he or she brings joy to you.

Good Grief – Holidays

If you follow my blog you know that I am grieving the loss of my sister, Kimberle Rae, and blogging about it. She passed away back at the end of July, so nearly 5 months ago now. And as I have mentioned in previous blogs, it does get easier with time, but the holidays add a new element I hadn't really planned on … missing her for the Holidays! It’s been extremely difficult for my parents, and I am sure it will be for some time.

I find the only thing that helps, outside my faith in God, is honoring her by living a life that would make her proud! I know, simple thinking, but it works for me. I don’t honor her by shutting down, or by curling up in a ball and just crying every day. Now, I have my moments, but I must move forward and live life to the full.

I know many wonder how I am doing, and I appreciate that very very much! I am touched by those who are so sympathetic and emphatic to my loss! I can tell you that when I hear of someone losing someone I am much more understanding now than I ever was before! I truly feel for them and their loss! It sucks, especially during the Holidays!

To all those who have lost someone, I pray that the Holidays will bring you peace and joy in the midst of the pain of loss you feel! My heart truly aches with yours! Much love!

Advent 2013 - Week Two: LOVE

Sunday, December 8, 2013: This is the second Sunday in Advent. Light the first and second candles and read together the following meditation:

FIRST READER: This is the second Sunday in Advent. Today, we light two purple candles. Last Sunday, we lit the candle of hope. This Sunday, we light the candle of love. One verse that many memorize and remember on this day is John 3:16, "God so loved the world..." some people may not know the love of other people. That makes it harder for them to understand God's love. During Advent, we pray that we may remember again God's gift of Jesus to the world and know that God's love for all people is the reason for this gift.

(Light the first and second candles.)

SECOND READER: When we look at the second candle, we remember God's love. When we read the words of the psalmist, we know of God's greatness and care. We remember God's love at Advent when we remember that God sent Jesus to us to help us know that God is loving and just.

FIRST READER: Read Isaiah 11:1-10

DISCUSSION: When we think of God's love, we might not always think of the words of the prophets. But when we read this picture of the peaceable kingdom, we are amazed by God's love that allows a child to lead.

Who are the people in our world who need the message of God's love?
What are our hopes for how people today can receive the message of God's love?
How do we help others know God's love?

PRAYER: Dear God: Thank you for your son, Jesus. Thank you for the words found in our Bible that help us remember your love and care. Help us see how we can bring God's message to the people we meet in our schools, at our jobs, and in our neighborhoods. Help us be messengers of God's love for everyone.

Monday, December 9, 2013: Read again Isaiah 11:1-10. Create a poster by drawing pictures of the wondrous things you see in the world around you that God has created. Create your picture of God's kingdom of peace. Give thanks for the world and all people in the world.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013: Is there someone you know who needs to hear words of God's love? Make or select a card for that person and mail it today.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013: Love is something we need in our church. Think about the people in our church. Select one person in our church. Pray for that person today.

Thursday, December 12, 2013: As we get ready to celebrate again the birth of Jesus, we sometimes get very busy. Today, take a ten-minute break. Sit quietly. If it helps you to concentrate, look at your Advent wreath. Pray, asking God's help to bring quiet and calm to a busy world.

Friday, December 13, 2013: Think about your family. Some may live with you. Others may be far away. Who in your family needs God's love? Pray for this family member today.

Saturday, December 14, 2013:
There are people in our neighborhoods, in our church, and in our community who need to know of God's love. Select someone to visit today. Visit by phone or in person. Go as a family or by yourself. It doesn't necessarily have to be a visit to a home. Maybe there is someone who waits on you at the grocery store. Stop by today and talk with that person. Tell the person you visit one way he or she brings peace to you.

How to be an Irresistible Man

I believe with all my heart that any man, well most any, can be irresistible. I really do believe that. And just like we learned from the movie Hitch with Will Smith as the Date Doctor, it doesn't work if it’s fake. It must be genuine.  If you are simply ‘acting’ irresistible, the wife, girlfriend, etc. will see right through it. Plus who wants to be a fraud or be with a fraud? Not a trait of irresistibility. And if you do want to be a fraud, stop reading this post please!

Now, being irresistible will look different for and to different people. I mean what is ‘irresistible’ to one person may not be ‘irresistible’ to another. So I am going to try and give you a snap shot of the heart behind being irresistible.

1. not able to be resisted or refused;
2. very fascinating or alluring 

I believe it starts with being selfless, at least as much as possible. We are selfish by nature and this is something that flies in the face of what we naturally want to do, but you need to be in control of yourself. But specifically I want to talk about ‘irresistibility’ as it relates to dating relationships, or marriage. How can you, if you are single, be irresistible to the one’s heart you are trying to capture? Or if you are married, how can you be irresistible to your spouse?

And really being irresistible isn't about being irresistible, but about loving someone like crazy! It’s about loving someone so much that they find you irresistible.

  1)      Study them.

So what are your wife’s likes and dislikes? What kind of food does she like? What places would she wish to visit? What smells does she like? What colors does she like? What kind of music does she like to listen to? On and on! Cater to those things!

  2)      Do the little things.

Little things matter! For example last Saturday morning I got up to fix breakfast for the family as I always do, but this time I brought my wife’s breakfast to her in bed.  It’s the little notes, cards, and other little things that make a big difference.

  3)      Make it your life’s mission to serve them. 
      If every husband would just go all about in love and service to his wife, I doubt they would complain about not getting any physical lovin from her! Just sayin! Not that that should be the motivation, but it’s true. It’s when we men get selfish that they then begin to get selfish.

  4)      Be romantic. 

      I believe in making even small dates just a touch more romantic with something special. Like one time we simply went out for ice cream and I brought-a-long a candle for the table! We had Ice Cream by candlelight! Everyone else wondered where their candle was! Ha ha!
  5)      Make every day a new day. 

      I try to make my wife feel loved, like really loved every day! I want her to feel secure in my love for her. Often when she comes home from a Grocery Store run I grab her and hug and kiss her like she was gone for a week and I missed her! It’s easy to do, but also easy not to do.
  6)      Focus on the good. 

      It’s easy to find fault in others. Life is too short for that, I believe! There are faults all around us and to focus on them is just miserable! Now, obviously if they are bad you must deal with them, fix them, get help, etc. I am not saying overlook negative behavior! But often we let the little things ruin so much, when the good is so much better than the bad. Make sense?

  7)      Make it your job to bring them happiness. 

      Adjusting your mindset a bit can help too. Rather than thinking about what ‘they’ need to do to make ‘you’ happy, ask yourself; what can I do to make them happy?  And then deliver. I believe that this works best when both are thinking this way about each other! It sucks if only one is doing this! You get tired of giving, giving, giving, when they just take, take, take!

I also understand that you can’t ‘make’ someone happy! They must be happy, BUT I think that you can contribute to their happiness in what you do, and say.


I think many marriages fail today because we are so selfish. I believe that if men would go all out in crazy selfless love towards their wives we’d have happier homes, because we'd have happier wives! Maybe I am naïve, I've only been married for 20 years, but it’s worked for us so far! There are days I do not feel like doing any of the things I have mentioned here, and I want to be selfish! Ha ha! Trust me, ask my wife! But I know she would tell you that I practice what I preach! She feels super special, super loved, super cherished by me! She knows I am crazy about her - I not only tell her with words, but I show her with action. Way too many wives we've talked to don’t feel this way, and frankly it breaks my heart, because they should! Every wife in the world should feel cherished by their husband just as I believe every husband should be over sexed by their wife!  

Advent 2013 - Week One: HOPE


Sunday, December 1, 2013: Light the first candle on your wreath and read together the following meditation:

FIRST READER: This is the first Sunday in Advent. Today we light one purple candle. This is the candle of hope. Advent is a time of waiting and hoping. We wait for the day when we celebrate again the birth of Jesus. We hope that everyone will come to know God and to worship God.

(Light the first candle)

SECOND READER: When we look at the first candle we remember God's promise. God promised to send a Savior to the people. When we listen to our Scripture reading, we learn what the prophet Isaiah wrote about God. God fulfills the promises made to care for people. God is loving and just. God brings peace. This gives us hope. We look forward to the time when everything is fair, when the world is at peace, and all people are treated justly.

FIRST READER: Read Isaiah 2:1-5

DISCUSSION: This Scripture offers us the hope of God's kingdom where there is peace and has the wonderful sentence, "…let us walk in the light of the Lord!"

Who are the people in our world who need hope?
What are the hopes we have for our world today?
How do we help others know that God gives hope?

PRAYER: Dear God: Thank you for your son, Jesus. Thank you for the words of the Prophet Isaiah that remind us that you are the source of our hope. Help us to remember to walk in the light of the Lord. AMEN


Monday, December 2, 2013: Today read again Isaiah 2:1-5. Pick one verse and memorize it. How do you think this verse gives hope to people?

Tuesday, December 3, 2013: Is there someone you know who needs to hear words of hope? Make or select a card for that person and mail it today.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013: Hope is something we need in our world. Think about different leaders in the world. Select one world leader. Pray for that world leader today.

Thursday, December 5, 2013: As we get ready to celebrate again the birth of Jesus, we sometimes get very busy. Today, take a ten-minute break. Sit quietly. If it helps you to concentrate, look at your Advent wreath. Pray, asking God's help to bring quiet and calm to a busy world.

Friday, December 6, 2013: Think about your family. Some may live with you. Others may be far away. Who in your family needs God's hope? Pray for this family member today.

Saturday, December 7, 2013: There are people in our neighborhoods, in our church, and in our community who need to know of God's hope. Select someone to visit today. Visit by phone or in person. Go as a family or by yourself. It doesn't necessarily have to be a visit to a home. Maybe there is someone you always see at the library. Stop by today and talk with that person. Tell the person you visit one way he or she helps you feel hopeful.

Kansas City Wedding Officiant

Did you get engaged over the holidays? Are you looking for someone to officiate your wedding ceremony? If so, give me (Pastor Timmy Gibson) a call! I have over 15 years’ experience, and do approximately 50 weddings a year. I would love to help you make your wedding day perfect!


Phone: (913) 390-1200
Mobile: (913) 449-2283
Twitter: @TimmyKC


Pastor Timmy and his wife Jana were a pleasure to work with. Not only were they very responsive, but they made us feel at ease with them. We currently do not belong to a church here in KC but we were looking for our ceremony to be a traditional Christian event. That's exactly what we got with Pastor Timmy, although I feel that he would've worked with us on however we felt the ceremony should go. He was so non-judgemental and I plan to look into his church as soon as all of the post-wedding stuff dies down. I have a feeling we would feel right at home there. - Erica 


Timmy was perfect for our wedding. He was very friendly, very articulate and easy to talk to. My husband and I confided in him with some family issues that have been going on and he was more than willing to talk to us and give us advice. He was a huge hit with our family, he did a great job during our ceremony and everyone in our audience really enjoyed listening to him speak. My husband and I aren't religious but he was very understanding and treated us with the utmost respect. He is a great choice for any couple that hasn't yet found a church or if you just wanted a great speaker! - Michelle



Intercontinental Hotel on the Plaza
Contact: Caterer
(816) 756-1500

Berg Event Space
Contact: Jillian Murphy
(816) 842-4488

Longview Mansion
Contact: Jenny Gale
(816) 761-666

Loch Lloyd
Contact: Michelle Adolphsen
(816) 322-1022

DJ Services

Encore DJ Services
Contact: Danny Goyer
(913) 269-3028

Midlife Crisis

I am 44, and they say a mid-life crisis happens sometime between ages 40 to 60. I had never giving it much thought until a year ago, and I wouldn't call it a “midlife crisis” for me anyway, but more of a ‘midlife reflection’. I find myself thinking about the future far more than I ever did. Like; what am I doing with my life, how am I making a difference, am I leaving a legacy, things aren't  quit going like I had envisioned (not bad, just not what I thought) I think often about the retirement plan I don’t have, and the kid’s college fund I don’t have. I'm thankful I have a lot of happiness in my life that helps to balance out the things I wish were different.

We have all heard those horror stories of people making crazy decisions during a “midlife crisis” and ruining their life, and the lives of their kids.  And that’s no good! So I guess if nothing else I am blogging this to encourage you who, like me, are in the midst of a “midlife reflection” time, please don’t do anything stupid! Keep your head screwed on straight; keep doing what you know is right. And if you don’t know what is right (common during this time) confide in a trusted level-headed friend to help you not completely throw your life away in the middle of an emotional storm. I would even encourage professional counseling to help talk through the things you are wrestling with if necessary.

Almost every person I talk to who is my age, they are thinking about the same things. So it’s not some tragic time, but rather just a phase in life when you start to realize you aren't 18 anymore, and that you don’t have your whole life ahead of you. Most people in their 40’s have lived over half their life and are thinking, “crap, I better get my sh-- together.”

If you are a young person just getting started in life I can tell you one thing, and that is if you will make plans now for retirement, kid’s college, etc etc. it will save you from much of what I talked about here. The good thing for me is that the things I did invest in in the first half of my life are bringing me great joy today; my marriage, my kids, my faith and living a purposeful life! If I didn't have those things, I am not sure what I would do.

Live life so you will have very few, if any regrets! You'll be glad you did!

Good Grief Another Day

As many of you know I am blogging some of my experience dealing with the loss of my little sister, Kimberle Rae, who passed away a little more than 3 months ago from the time of this post. And though I am doing good, considering, I still have my occasional moments of sadness, regret, grief, achy-heart, and loss, yet I continue on with life. I must. We must. It would be completely selfish not to. She would want that.

I hesitate to share this, but if you know me you know I am not afraid to tell-all! Ha ha! It’s what makes me me, the one and only. But, I have been going through much of my sister’s stuff in order to help lift the burden from my parents who already have heavy hearts dealing with her death. Many of her things are in boxes in my garage and the other night I decided it’s time to go through it. Much of it I am going to donate to the Safe House for battered women, but all the Hello Kitty Collectibles I am going to sell on e-bay and craigslist. So I bundle up, it’s cold, I go to the garage with a glass of wine and Michael Buble on the iPhone and start going through it all, there is lots of stuff! I come across a pack of her Cigarettes (Marlboro Reds) and I think, “ya know what, I am going to smoke one in memory of my sister” and mind you, I don’t smoke. I mean, I don’t smoke Cigarettes; I smoke Cigars and never inhale. Anyway, picture this in your mind, I find a lighter and light the thing, take a puff and about die of a coughing fit, while holding my glass of wine, a Hello Kitty Purse swinging from my shoulder, a Hello Kitty Bracelet on my wrist, a Hello Kitty Ring on my finger and a pair of Hello Kitty slippers on my feet … ha ha! If only she could see me now! She would have been proud! It ended in tears as I was overcome with emotion over the time I wish I had to spend with her, but can’t.

The space between my sad moments is getting larger and larger, thankfully. I, of course, will never forget her, but the sharpness of the pain is decreasing with each passing day. If I am sad, I let myself go there, unless I am with people who don’t know me. I do not believe that stuffing the emotion is good, but I also do not think it’s good to always live in the sad moments. Does that make sense? I mean there is so much more to my life and even her life than her death. She lived 40 years; there are so many wonderful memories to fill my mind and heart with. Not to mention I have a wife and 2 kids who need their Daddy! And I can’t think of a better way to honor her life than to live life to the full!

I think it’s important when we have a loss of any type to work through it in a healthy way. Don’t build a home there; you can pop up a tent there from time to time, but not a home. Move through it. That is what I am learning; keep moving forward. And sometimes that is a conscious choice, because your feelings want to live there and will live there if you let them. You cannot live by your feelings in this life, and those who do many times wind up behind bars or in a padded room and I don’t want to be in either place.

As I have mentioned before, it is a comfort knowing she is in Heaven that one day we will be reunited. That brings me much peace. You may be reading this having recently faced a loss, I am so sorry! I know it’s hard, and it hurts and sometimes you feel you can’t even breathe. Just keep breathing, keep moving! And if you’d need me and our prayer team to pray for you please let us know –

#1 Wedding Officiant

I have been recently voted the #1 Wedding Officiant in the Kansas City Area. I guess that’s pretty cool!? I would assume that is why this year I have 50 weddings in my books! That’s almost one a weekend. And 75% are from referral. So, thank you Kansas City!

What I really love about weddings are the couples I get to spend time with in preparation for not only their wedding, but their marriage. I try to help with both, but my main concern is helping couples create a healthy marriage.

If you or someone you know is looking for a pastor to officiate their wedding, please make sure to send them my way!

