/Photo Taken at Longview Mansion
I’m often asked, “How did you become a Wedding Officiant?” That is a great Question, especially considering I am sure no kid in elementary school on “what are you going to be when you grow up” day says, a Wedding Officiant. Ha ha
My story of becoming a Wedding Officiant comes from my 30 years as a Christian Pastor. I was a Pastor from approximately 1990 to 2021 at which time I was officiating Weddings. And after having a change of heart (beliefs) I walked away from deeply held religious beliefs. That process began pretty intensely in 2018, but took me sometime to fully walk away. Then I was faced with a career change and sense I was already doing Weddings it was an easy transition. I drove Uber for one year then did weddings on the weekends, then after a year of that I was able to put all my time and energy into building my Wedding Business. And here we are today with ten Wedding Officiants on the Timmy Gibson Wedding Team.
If you are interested in hearing more of my story of leaving Religion you can find over 200 videos on my youtube channel about that part of my story. I will say that though I talk very openly and honestly about my experience, I still respect people’s religious beliefs, I just no longer share in those beliefs. Peace!