Kansas City Wedding Officiant

It is a joy working as a Wedding Officiant here in Kansas City for 20+ years and being labeled the #1 Wedding Officiant since 2015. This is only because of the team of Officiants I have working with me who support the couples we work with every weekend. Sharing in the celebration of love is a joy, and we get to do this nearly every weekend of the year.

Serving the Kansas City Metro and surrounding areas.


I often talk and teach on “SELF” responsibility, and I ignore the very real role that others, especially those who are close to us, play in our peace, confidence, sense of being enough, etc. I know I seem to put all the blame or responsibility on someone’s SELF treatment, SELF view, SELF talk and so on. While I am well aware that it’s ultimately not someone else’s responsibility to “make us feel” any certain way. It is OUR responsibility to develop positive self belief. I am also very aware that we do have a responsibility to treat others in such a way that fosters security in them, peace in them, love in them, and feelings of empowerment, especially in romantic relationships. And I have this view, though this doesn’t remove the very real responsibility we have to each other in helping foster those good vibes.

I say all the time, “You can’t make me feel good or bad about myself without my permission.” Technically that’s not entirely true. Have you ever had someone say something to you that really hurt you? Or have you ever been treated a certain way that made you feel “less than”? Or, let’s be really honest here, have YOU ever said something to someone that hurt them? Or have you ever treated someone in a certain way that made them feel less then? I am sure you have. I have. I have been both the victim and the perpetrator. It’s called life. And sometimes, in fact, most times it’s not intentional. But the reality is that hurting people hurt people, and sometimes we’ve hurt people and don’t even realize we’ve done so. We are completely unaware. And this is true of everyone, even good, well meaning people. We say or do things and don’t have much of a thought on just how it’s being received. Why? Well because we weren’t intending to be hurtful, therefor we weren’t hurtful. But that isn’t true. It still hurts someone even when we didn’t mean for it to hurt them.

I talk a lot about being self aware, and just how important it is to be self aware, but I am also seeing how many of us just aren’t very self aware. I have literally been talking to someone who had breath so bad it could kill a horse, and yet they joke about other people’s bad breath. Fascinating. I have talked with people who have talked so much about their narcissistic EX, yet I am seeing so many narcissistic traits in them. It’s the pot calling the kettle black. And we ALL DO IT, including me. If you are having trouble maintaining happy healthy relationships, maybe, just maybe it’s you? Don’t ya think it’s at least possible? I mean isn’t it possible that all the faults you see in others so easily that you carry some of those same faults? Call me crazy here, but maybe we aren’t perfect after all.


I have been giving this a lot of thought lately. How can I really recognize my own faults, my own bias, my own errors in thinking? I think there are a few things to look at, one is to reflect on how your life is going. If you're failing in any area of your life, maybe it’s not the government’s fault, it’s not the narcissistic boyfriend/girlfriend’s fault, or the city you live in, maybe it’s not your Boss, or anyone. Maybe it’s YOU.

True story: one time I was at the gym and I noticed this guy working out near me smelled sour. Like really bad. It was a distraction the entire time I was at the gym. Finally I left and realized when I got in my car that the sour smelling guy was apparently in my car, ha ha ha … it was me. The whole time I am blaming someone else for stinking, yet come to find out it was me who smelled. I think far too often we want to blame someone else for stinking, to only find out we are the source of the bad smell, not someone else.


Give some thought into how you treat other people. Maybe when things are stinky, it’s you, not someone else. Reflect on your life honestly, set your EGO aside and be honest, and be able to acknowledge specific areas in your life that could and should be better.

If you are like me, which I am sure you are, I want to make people feel good about themselves, as much as I can. And yes, ultimately people should be in charge of their own emotions! But, I can contribute to someone’s self image for sure. And I want to contribute to people’s feeling of wellbeing.


If you are married, then make it a top priority to not only take care of yourself and live your authentic life, but adore your partner. Do things to them and for them that will lift their spirits, make them feel powerful, alive, things that will make them feel like they are more than enough and could do anything their heart’s desire. Encourage them to pursue their dreams. Compliment them with both words and actions. Never take them for granted. Have lots of sex. And not just vanilla sex, make it special, wear lingerie (if they like that) light candles, put a mirror on the ceiling if necessary. Make sure you keep the novelty of it all. Keep it fresh, interesting, exciting, and fun. Surprise them with things they like. Constantly chase each other. Love is an action, not just a choice or feeling … love is doing something. Make time for each other.

Research as shown that when you do things for your partner that make them feel special they will find you MORE attractive and everyone else LESS attractive. You protect your marriage and yourself by being vigilant, intentional, and interesting.



Mandy Len Catron’s Modern Love essay, “To Fall in Love with Anyone, Do This,” she refers to a Study by the psychologist Arthur Aron (and others) that explores whether intimacy between two strangers can be accelerated by having them ask each other a specific series of personal questions. The 36 questions in the study are broken up into three sets, with each set intended to dig deeper than the previous one.

The thought is that mutual vulnerability fosters closeness. To quote the study’s authors, “One key pattern associated with the development of a close relationship among peers is sustained, escalating, reciprocal, personal self-disclosure.” Allowing yourself to be vulnerable with someone can be extremely difficult, so this exercise forces the issue.

The final task Ms. Catron and her friend try — staring into each other’s eyes for 4 minutes — is less well documented, with the suggested duration ranging from two minutes to four. But Ms. Catron was unequivocal in her recommendation. “Two minutes is just enough to be terrified,” she told me. “Four really goes somewhere.”

Set I

1. Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as a dinner guest?

2. Would you like to be famous? In what way?

3. Before making a telephone call, do you ever rehearse what you are going to say? Why?

4. What would constitute a “perfect” day for you?

5. When did you last sing to yourself? To someone else?

6. If you were able to live to the age of 90 and retain either the mind or body of a 30-year-old for the last 60 years of your life, which would you want?

7. Do you have a secret hunch about how you will die?

8. Name three things you and your partner appear to have in common.

9. For what in your life do you feel most grateful?

10. If you could change anything about the way you were raised, what would it be?

11. Take four minutes and tell your partner your life story in as much detail as possible.

12. If you could wake up tomorrow having gained any one quality or ability, what would it be?

Set II

13. If a crystal ball could tell you the truth about yourself, your life, the future or anything else, what would you want to know?

14. Is there something that you’ve dreamed of doing for a long time? Why haven’t you done it?

15. What is the greatest accomplishment of your life?

16. What do you value most in a friendship?

17. What is your most treasured memory?

18. What is your most terrible memory?

19. If you knew that in one year you would die suddenly, would you change anything about the way you are now living? Why?

20. What does friendship mean to you?

21. What roles do love and affection play in your life?

22. Alternate sharing something you consider a positive characteristic of your partner. Share a total of five items.

23. How close and warm is your family? Do you feel your childhood was happier than most other people’s?

24. How do you feel about your relationship with your mother?


25. Make three true “we” statements each. For instance, “We are both in this room feeling ... “

26. Complete this sentence: “I wish I had someone with whom I could share ... “

27. If you were going to become a close friend with your partner, please share what would be important for him or her to know.

28. Tell your partner what you like about them; be very honest this time, saying things that you might not say to someone you’ve just met.

29. Share with your partner an embarrassing moment in your life.

30. When did you last cry in front of another person? By yourself?

31. Tell your partner something that you like about them already.

32. What, if anything, is too serious to be joked about?

33. If you were to die this evening with no opportunity to communicate with anyone, what would you most regret not having told someone? Why haven’t you told them yet?

34. Your house, containing everything you own, catches fire. After saving your loved ones and pets, you have time to safely make a final dash to save any one item. What would it be? Why?

35. Of all the people in your family, whose death would you find most disturbing? Why?

36. Share a personal problem and ask your partner’s advice on how he or she might handle it. Also, ask your partner to reflect back to you how you seem to be feeling about the problem you have chosen.

Premarital Conversations

Open and honest conversation is a critical aspect of any happy healthy relationship. And sometimes it helps to have some questions to kick start this process. I recently read, How to Not Die Alone By Logan Ury and she lays out, in the final chapters of the book, some good ones I am including below.

I would encourage you to have only one conversation per day. You don’t want to get bogged down with too much at once an feel like you do after Thanksgiving when you’ve eaten way too much food and feel ill. And to rush through them would be a disservice to what the questions are meant to do, which is take you deeper into the heart and mind of your partner.

Do some kind of fun activity first to help you feel connected. This could include something as simple as a walk through the park, a frisbee toss, or a quick game of Goldfish, or maybe even after a meal together so the tummy is full, then pop open a bottle of wine, or roll a blunt and start talking.

Conversation #1: The Past

  • What are three moments about your past that you feel define you?

  • How do you think your childhood affect who you are today?

  • Did your parents fight? What are your fears around relationship conflict?

  • What traditions from your family do you want to carry on in our family?

  • How did your family talk (or not talk) about sex when you were growing up?

  • What did money represent in your family?

  • What baggage from your family do you want to leave in the past?

Conversation #2: The Present

  • Do you feel comfortable talking to me as things come up?

  • Is there anything about our communication style that you want to work on?

  • Do you feel like you can be yourself in the relationship? Why or why not?

  • What changes would you like to make to our relationship?

  • How well do you think we handle conflict?

  • What’s your favorite ritual that we do together?

  • What’s something you wish we did more of together?

  • How well do you feel like I know your friends and family? Is there anyone in your life (family, friend, coworker) who you’d like me to get to know better?

  • How often would you like to be having sex? How could our sex life be better? What can I do to improve it? What’s something you’ve always wanted to try but have been afraid to ask for?

  • How often do you think about money?

  • Let’s talk openly about our finances. Do you have student loans? Credit card debt? Is my debt your debt?

  • What’s the most you’d spend on a car? A couch? A pair of shoes?

Conversation #3: The Future

  • Where do you want to live in the future?

  • Do you want to have kids? If yes, how many? When? If we can’t conceive on our own, what other options would you consider? Adoption? Surrogacy?

  • What are your expectations around splitting child care and housework duties?

  • How often do you want to see your family?

  • What role do you want religion or spirituality to play in our lives?

  • Do you want to discuss a prenup? What fears does that bring up for you?

  • How do you expect to split up finances in the future?

  • Do you expect you’ll always want to work? What happens if one of us want to take time off?

  • If I were considering a big purchase, at what dollar amount would you want me to call you?

  • What are your long-term financial goals?

  • What are you most looking forward to in the future?

  • What i a dream of yours for the future? How can I help you make it come true?

*These questions come from the book, How to Not Die Alone by Logan Ury.

I Preached My First Sermon in 1990

Although I am no longer an Evangelical Christian I do still resonate with the spirit of the message of Jesus. I know, I know, I’ve heard it from many of those from that community that I “must believe…” in order to escape the flames of Hell, a place I don’t even believe in.

I realize that whether I believe in Hell or not doesn’t change what is. Does it exist? Who the f*ck knows, I mean come on, let’s be honest here, like really honest here. I am willing to say, maybe it does exist. I don’t know, and you don’t either. No one does. So what do we do? Well that’s something so many religions attempt to address, and all in different ways. This has been true throughout all the ages.

The Christians feel they have it right, the one true way, and the “only way” to God. Why? Because that’s what it says in the Bible, and the Bible is “God’s Word”. And to that I say, maybe! I think the Bible is a great work, but a great work of man. It’s the word of man ABOUT God. Because to say that “God wrote it” or that “God inspired men to write it” really brings up so many problems because of the errors, discrepancies and just down right odd things that are in it. And I say that with all respect and love for the scriptures.

I love many of the teachings of the Bible, but also having read it multiple times from Genesis to Revelations I can see there is a lot of really crazy things in there. Much of which we in the modern world have completely disregarded and just ignore. Why? Because it’s outdated, or we’d be put in prison, or at least shunned if we practiced such things.

  • Slavery

  • Superiority of Men over Women

  • Mutilation

  • Polygamy (which is coming back in vogue)

  • Cruelty

  • Incest*

*Incest was actually commanded by God in the first chapter of the very first book of the Bible, Genesis 1:28 “Then God blessed them, and God said to them, ‘Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.’”

Christian conveniently pass over that whole idea. Why, well for obvious reasons, hello it’s a bit weird, okay fine, a lot weird, like totally f’d up!

Of course, yes there is a lot of great stuff in the Bible too. Especially when you get to Jesus’ teachings. For sure. But you can’t, even though they do, ignore the rest of it. Where I found myself unable to continue down the Evangelical Path was when I got into the “literal translation” of scripture. Even though I am sympathetic to much of the Christian Message like Love, Forgiveness, Hope, Charity and so on, I just could no longer align with the Fundamental Evangelical Christian beliefs. Believing in the literal translation of the Bible seems unfathomable to me, paramount to believing the earth is flat, we didn’t land on the moon, Elvis is still alive and lives in Arkansas, OJ is innocent, and that Dolly Parton’s boobs are real. And I say that as a Former Fundamental Evangelical Type Christian. Ha ha. To believe in a 6,000 year old earth, Adam and Eve were literally the first 2 humans created by God (so so so many problems with that teaching) Jonah was swallowed by a big fish and lived in the belly of said fish for 3 days and survived, and so many other things. I just couldn’t believe in such fanciful stories anymore. Yes, amazing stories with powerful life lessons for sure, but factual? No. At least in my perspective.


Do I believe in God? Absolutely, but not the Bible God exclusively. And what I mean by that is that maybe the Bible, especially Jesus, captured the essence of God, giving us a glimpse, but I believe that most all religious faiths do that to a degree. I know that one statement will drive an Evangelical absolutely nuts, so much so they will be compelled by the Holy Spirit to comment below, and that’s okay. I like conversations, different opinions, challenges. I love discourse, it’s how we learn and grow. Though it is hard to have a conversation with someone who is certain they are right and everyone who disagrees is wrong.

The weird thing about God, the Bible, and all such things is that they are so many unknowns. It’s not like we are talking about Math, or things that we can be absolutely 100% certain of. We are talking about God here. There is a reason they have debates on College Campuses about God, the After Life, and such things and no debates on, “Is the Earth really a sphere” because we absolutely know with 100% certainty that it is a sphere, and flat earners are just morons, or people seeking attention, or just deceived like so many of those who follow the Q’anon Conspiracy Theories. I digress.


So what am I saying? Not sure really, I woke up and all this was on my mind and I am one of those people who aren’t afraid to put my thoughts out there for all to read, even when my thoughts aren’t mainstream, they are honest. My Momma always tells me I have a tender heart, and I do. Doesn’t mean I’ve always done the right things, or that I haven’t said stupid sh*t, or allowed pride to lead me astray. Like Paul (the dude responsible for much of the New Testament) said, “This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief.” (1 Timothy 1:15)

If I believe anything I believe this: If there is a God, then that God is loving, just, and kind (which describes Jesus) and He/She knows our hearts. And that is what the Bible teaches by the way (1 Samuel 16:7) and if that is true, then I have absolutely no fear of punishment in an afterlife, if there is such a thing. And I say that with all humility. If God would send a kind caring faithful moral Buddhist person to Hell simply because they didn’t “accept Jesus into their heart to be their savior” then I wouldn’t be interested in spending eternity with that kind of God anyway.

Thank you for reading! And let's be honest here, what the heck do I know. I am just a human dude who lives in Kansas City.

*The picture is from 2015 when we held Sunday service in a garage because we had no place to meet. Seems like a lifetime ago.


Ya know, this, "self doubt" thing is something that I've struggled with personally my whole life. I know this may surprise those that are looking in from the outside because I over compensate to give the opposite impression. On the inside I am often a scared little 10 year old boy not feeling like I am good enough, but I wear a Superman Costume. Side note, that is my favorite Super Hero! There have even been times I wore the Superman Costume so long that it's only in the challenges of life that it fell off and there stands my 10 year old self feeling naked, small, not worthy, vulnerable, not good enough, not smart enough and not pretty enough.

Now before you start feeling sorry for me and want to just come give me a hug (Of course I am always down for a hug), I have to tell you I have come to be in a much better place in my life over the last few years. Digging deep into my soul, allowing myself to look within honestly, and be more vulnerable. Listen, I am not entirely certain just why and how we have become who we are, or why we do the things we do. I mean I have a good idea, and there are many clues that we can look at in our lives. I have followed up on and dug into my own life for answers to what makes me, me... you would need to do the same. As I have done so, so many things make more sense now, while I continue along the journey of life.

I don’t even have time to get into it all, but I think all of this is one reason I am passionate about what I get to do in life, help people with their relationships, especially their romantic ones. And see even that is something I hear a voice say, “You’re not good enough Timmy.” But on the heals of that I say, “Yes I am! Why wouldn’t I be? Cause I am not perfect? Really? Cause I have flaws? Cause I don't always do the right things?” Hmm, that sounds kinda like all of us here on planet earth.

My mind goes to a book I am reading about relationships that was written by a single person who is 20 years younger than me! So how is it that someone who had a great 25 year marriage, an amicable Divorce (yes, tragic and painful and unfortunate and full of details that are no ones’ business), raised 2 amazing adult kids, dealt with the loss of a one and only sister, the death of biological father, death of my biggest hero my Grandpa (Papa), has lived 52 years of life with no addictions, takes no drugs other than Coffee, Whisky and Weed on occasion and let’s not forget a full-head of hair (though following COVID has been falling out, so let’s see, I might end up joining the bald club here sooner than later), working in the same career for nearly 25 years now, and has no debt, a roof over my head, a car, a motorcycle, and friends who love me. Why in the Hell would I feel like a failure or think I am not worthy?

Why do any of us feel unworthy or like we aren’t enough? Or feel like imposters? On one hand I’d say, “I have no f*cking idea in all honesty!” Who the f*ck knows why the skinny girl feels fat, or the handsome guy feels ugly, or why the hardworking feel like a failure, or whatever story we’ve been telling ourselves. But I think I’ve come to understand it’s called, THE HUMAN EXPERIENCE. I can’t tell you how many people I have talked with in my line of work who struggle with these things. People you would never in a million years guess had these same thoughts.


So here’s the deal, I share this post not to get sympathy. I don’t want or need sympathy. I share this to only communicate that we’re all the same and on a journey with maybe one small difference; how we deal. It’s like that famous quote:

“It's not how many times you get knocked down that count, it's how many times you get back up.” —George A. Custer

So true! We all face the same demons. Some deal with their demons with prescription drugs, religious faith, will power, spirituality, meditation, yoga, fitness, counseling, friends, career, etc etc. And I have come to understand that all these things can and do help some people, and if it genuinely helps, like for real helps, and it’s healthy, and not just a distraction then stick with it. But if how you deal is with destructive behavior, addiction, or you fall into a deep dark depression, stop and seek other forms of help. I feel it’s important not to just bandaid over things. No judgment on those who find bandaid’s helpful, they have a place for a time, but eventually you need to dig into the wound, clean out the sh*t and tend to it, then giving it time to heal itself, otherwise it negatively impacts your life, and those in your life.


“If You Always Do What You've Always Done, You'll Always Get What You've Always Got.” ~ Henry Ford.

Might be time to change it up!

We only get one life, unless the Hindus are correct, then maybe we get many? Who the f*ck knows for sure?! (No one, is the true answer!) I digress.

1. Talk to someone, preferable an elder wiser person. (Counselor, Therapist, Coach, Elder Relative, Elder Friend, etc)

2. Do some things differently.

3. Read a book.

4. Turn off the Reality TV shows.

5. Remove the mask.

6. Take the bandaid off slowly, and dig in.

7. Get out and about.

8. Breathe.

9. Do Daily affirmations.

10. Remove the things you know are toxic.

Like you, I am also on a journey. I know, I thought I’d have life all figured out by now. Gesh, I am 52 which is an age that when I was 20 I thought was old. Ha ha ha! Now I think 70 is middle aged and 100 is old-is. I hate getting flyers in the mail letting me know that in a couple more years I qualify for so many programs and discounts at places like the Golden Corral and several places in Branson. All of which I thrown in the trash refusing to acknowledge. Yes, I accept my age and will not be the guy wearing the skinny red leather pants, the Leppard print shirt unbuttoned to my navel and patent white leather shoes! And if you ever see me and I look like that, please just shoot me on site no questions knowing you would be doing me and the world a favor.


Here’s the thing, you are a beautiful person no matter what you think you see in the mirror or feel about yourself. You are enough, you are worthy of love, you are on earth for a reason and that reason is to exist. And not just too exist, but to love. And to truly love you must start with yourself. I can’t tell you what happens after this life, but I don’t feel that matters all that much until that time comes, if I am honest. That’s no offense to those who do think it matters, I just don’t think it matters as much as RIGHT F*CKING NOW! We can and will deal with that later, hopefully much later. (I could do a post just about this … maybe some day I will) I read a book that really really helped me with this called, The Power of Now by Echkard Tolle. You should pick it up, maybe it’ll help.

As a Wedding Officiant, Relationship Coach, Dating Coach, Life Coach, Spiritual Advisor I meet with so many people and I wish I could just fix all their sadness, their heartbreaks, their struggles, their addictions, but I can’t, no one can but they themselves. As a Coach I can only listen, give advice from many many years of experience, my own trials and tribulations, my own suffering and loss, my own journey and all the information I have collected over the years from other couples, and people who are having the human experience.

If anything I just want to make a difference while I am lucky enough to be on this earth. I will leave you with a story that I love so much and I hope you like it too. Thank you for being you, I do love you!


One day a man was walking along the beach when he noticed a boy picking something up and gently throwing it into the ocean.

Approaching the boy, he asked, “What are you doing?” The youth replied, “Throwing starfish back into the ocean. The surf is up and the tide is going out. If I don’t throw them back, they’ll die.” “Son,” the man said, “don’t you realize there are miles and miles of beach and hundreds of starfish? You can’t make a difference!”

After listening politely, the boy bent down, picked up another starfish, and threw it back into the surf. Then, smiling at the man, he said…” I made a difference for that one.”


Even my "little boy" inside can make a difference then you can too!


Q: What is "Cuffing Season"?

A: According to most lifestyle writers, it’s the time of the year when the weather starts to turn cold and single people begin the active search for romantic partners in the hope of having someone with whom to ride out the colder, snowier, bleaker months. Typically those months run from October through March—though as always with such things, your mileage may vary—but the season is generally regarded as culminating with Valentine’s Day.

I do get the concept. I think it comes from some people wanting to share the holidays with someone rather than be alone. You know, having someone to attend Holiday Parties with, go Shopping with, someone to give gifts to, and get gifts from, etc. I can only assume this is because we as humans don't like being alone, or we just genuinely enjoy the company of others, especially during the Holiday Season. I mean on one hand it would make most anyone sad at the thought of spending Christmas Day alone, but is it really something to be sad about? I don't think so. I thoroughly enjoy female companionship, but am also fine just being with me. I think that anyone that says (sometimes a little bitterly), "I prefer to be alone!" isn't being honest. Because if that was 100% true then you wouldn't be in this Singles Group, or engaged in online dating websites, or reading this post. Ha ha! I will admit I prefer to be partnered, but do prefer to be alone to being with the wrong person.
In my little opinion I feel that it's important to ward off any bitterness we carry around such topics. I find it extremely unattractive when people engage in "Anti-Valentine's Day" events and the like. To each their own, but I personally don't like the sentiment at all.


- How do we feel when one of our single friends winds up in a relationship?

Are you really happy for them? Or are you cynical and say things like, "Oh it'll never work out." or "We'll see how long this lasts, I give it 3 weeks." Bla bla bla bitterness, bitterness, bitterness!

- How do we feel when we see couples holding hands, or kissing or enjoying time together?

Does it touch our hearts and make us excited at the possibility of being in that situation at some point? Does it give us hope? Or do we laugh and have the thought, "he's probably sleeping with her best friend, she just doesn't know it yet!"

- Can you still watch Romantic Movies?

Do you enjoy them and do they inspire you and make you long for love? Or can you not stand all the lovey stuff and find it repelling and cheesy?

I think you get the point here. Our emotional response tells a lot about where we are in our journey of self discovery. No judgment wherever you may be. I think we've all experienced all of these emotions at different times in our life. But I would encourage you to look within, and see if there might be some work left to do on yourself to prepare yourself for True Love. Bitterness is a Love Killer for sure! I personally came face to face with this as I am a Wedding Officiant. Ha ha ... I celebrate LOVE for a living, and I adore it and find it fills me with so much hope!

I hear stories every single day from young in-love couples, and it just fills my heart with so much excitement for what is to come.

Hear all the ways couple's meet these days, here are a few of the stories I have heard, enjoy! (All stories are absolutely true!)

- Bumble.
- Tinder.
- Match.
- Hinge.
- Craigslist (just kidding, not true!)
- I met her at a Strip Club, yes she's still a stripper, but we just found out she's pregnant, and can only strip for a few more months.
- A friend set us up.
- My parents introduced us.
- We met in high school.
- We met in elementary school.
- I was his boss.
- I was her boss.
- Speed dating event.
- We met at your mixer Timmy.
- We met in a Bowling League.
- We met playing pool.
- We met in Cancun.
- Matchmaker set us up.
- She approached me in a bar and asked me out.
- College.
- We met at a party.
- We met at a family reunion. No, we are not related.
- We met in the frozen food isle.
- The gym.
- Sporting event.
- Work.
- Church.

This one takes the cake though, "I rented a room from this guy, one night I got drunk and we slept together, and I never moved out, and eventually just moved into his room and I no longer had to pay rent!" I love that!

And so many more, but if you read through this list it's saying something isn't it? Do you see it? People meet when out living their lives. You do you, get out and live life and your person will eventually come your way, stay hope-filled!

Happy Cuffing Season!