/There is definitely a misconception about the word “salvation” in Christian circles. Many times Christians (this would include me) feel or think or believe that Jesus came to just save our soul. And the truth is that YES He did come to save our soul, but He also came to do more than that … He came to SAVE us from all our brokenness.
The word “save” in Jesus day had a lot more meaning then just “saving souls”, Jesus came to rescue us from all our brokenness.
Let’s be honest, I know a lot of people who are “saved” but they are broken. They have broken marriages, broken emotions, broken friendships, broken hearts, broken lives … and I believe that Jesus can help to put the pieces of our broken lives back together again.
It starts with being honest with ourselves and with others about our brokenness … and giving the broken pieces of our lives over to Christ to do His work.