My First Time

Okay so yesterday I went downtown to study for my Sunday sermon. I ended up sitting in the main lobby area of Crown Center that overlooks the Governors Christmas Tree that is going up right now.

After an hour of study and a full Pumpkin Spice latte I needed to use the restroom really really bad. SO I pack up my computer, put in my iPod (listening to some really good teaching) and head to the facilities.

Now, I am sure you know what it is like to have your iPod in (or an mp3 player) … you are vaguely aware of things around you, but only vaguely. So I walk over to the very crowded Westin Crown Center Hotel lobby to use the bathroom (which I’ve used before) and I slip through the throngs of people and slide into the restroom …. vaguely aware.

As soon as I walk in I, vaguely, notice the nice sitting area in the “men’s bathroom” that I had not seen before in a “men’s bathroom” and thought to myself, “Wow, that’s nice … maybe I will sit there after I finishing going to the restroom”. I continue my (vague) journey (still listening to my teaching on iPod) into the “men’s bathroom” and turn another corner and think to myself, “oh, wow no urinals … interesting” so I do the slight lean over to see which stall is available … all are full but one, so I enter … leaving the door open (cause that’s what guys do) and do the classic standing guy pee thing (listening to my iPod teaching about Jesus).

As I am standing there I sense (vaguely) and see (vaguely) beside me and behind me a scurrying of people, fast moving shadows under the stalls … doors opening, closing, slamming, people running out of the bathroom. “mmm odd” I think to myself … “maybe they are all going to the same meeting and they are late”. I finish my business, turnaround to walk out and notice (vaguely) that “huh, I’ve never known of a guy’s restroom to have potpourri, lotions, and other girly stuff on the counters … fancy”

Though I normally wash my hands before leaving the “men’s restroom” I felt that something was amiss and that I should just leave. And when I opened the door to leave there is a crowd of women standing and pointing … at me … the “guy who was in the women’s restroom”.

I didn’t know what to say, but what stammered out through my big sheepy smile “Oh my gosh I was in the women’s restroom” and I put my head down and disappeared through the crowd feeling like all the women were looking and pointing. I even saw several security guards that I knew were looking for me! So embarrassed … my first trip to a women’s restroom!

You got a good story … share!

You Might Be A Racist If ...

If you didn’t vote for Obama because he is black, you might be a racist.

If you did vote for Obama because he is black, you might be a racist.

Racism [rey-siz-uh m]
The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others. Discrimination or prejudice based on race.

I believe with all my heart that there is only ONE RACE, and that is the HUMAN RACE!

It Matters

I love studying Theology, Doctrine and Bible Interpretation … that is not typically what people get excited about. I do believe that the Bible can help us define our life experiences. So it does matter what you and I believe about God, the Bible, and People, etc.

For example; What if you were always taught and you believed that you should “spend all you make … don’t let money burn a hole in your pocket… there will always be more tomorrow” … how would that affect your financial situation?

Some people believe that MORE money simply means MORE to spend … I’ve met many people like that. Then there are people who believe you should “save all you get … store up for a rainy day … there are no guarantees”.

Two different “beliefs” or “views on money”, which is right? I guess for some that may be debatable question. How about I ask it this way; which is the wiser? Probably for those who save save save … spend a little, and for those who spend spend spend … save a little.

So what is it you believe about God, Jesus, Man, Death, Life, the Bible, Life After Death, Meaning of Life, etc.? It matters what you believe because you will LIVE HOW YOU believe … or should I say you SHOULD live how you believe.

Think about it!

What is Happening?

I woke up this morning thinking about the over-all theme of the Bible; the story of God's love for humanity (you and me) and our falling short of returning the love. You see this clearly in the story of God’s people in the Old Testament. God kept coming through and people would soon forget the one true God and turn to foreign idols.

Honestly, if I can just be forthright here, I see this today in our society and in or churches too! And please, I am not pointing a finger here … I am including me in this conversation.

We are a culture who has in a general sense forgotten God and have turned to idols. And I think it’s for the same reasons the Israelites did it back in their time … God didn’t always ACT in the manor or in the timeframe that THEY wanted, they thought mostly of things in the context of THEIR COMFORT, rather then God’s PURPOSE. And here is the problem with this … just like for the Israelites when they turned away from God it wasn’t good, I believe it is the same for us here today, in America (supposedly a Christian Nation) … Yes, there are many Christians in America, and many Christian leaders, even our current President and President elect our professing Christians … but as a whole, we’ve got some changing to do if we are going to truly see the blessings of God on our Country and the people who make up our beautiful Country.

Sorry to blast you and me this morning … but I hope this blog drives you to your knees in search of the one true God.


Obama - not Christ, not Anti-Christ

I have been watching and feeling the vibe of people in America, both from the Republicans and Democrats and I must say there is a feeling I get that one group almost feels that Obama is the Christ (the anointed one to set us free from all our troubles) and the other group feels that Obama is the anti-Christ (the deceiver, who has come to overthrow all things good).

Both these extremes are just plain goofy if you ask me! Obama is neither the Christ or the anti-Christ! I think some of the religious crowd have read way too many of the Left Behind books and think that Obama is Nicoli Carpathia.

And for those who feel that Obama is the Christ are putting their hope in the wrong thing (person), our hope should be in Jesus Christ, the ruler of all – the true deliverer! Our hope should never be in Government to fix all our woes … we should look to Christ. I do not have time to teach on it here, but I see so many Biblical correlations here it’s eerie. Just one; The children of Israel were delivered by God through Moses, who was a servant of God, not a King, not a politician, not a Governor ... but a man who submitted his will to God's will.

There is nothing wrong with government as an entity or as a governing body (as a whole), but to make it, or the people who serve within it into god-like figures is wrong.

So, I guess I am issuing a warning here to both groups:

Jeremiah 17:5-8
This is what the LORD says:
"Cursed is the one who trusts in man,
who depends on flesh for his strength and
whose heart turns away from the LORD.
He will be like a bush in the wastelands;
he will not see prosperity when it comes.
He will dwell in the parched places of the desert,
in a salt land where no one lives.
"But blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD,
whose confidence is in him.
He will be like a tree planted by the water
that sends out its roots by the stream.
It does not fear when heat comes;
its leaves are always green.
It has no worries in a year of drought and
never fails to bear fruit."

Be Different

2 Corinthians 6:17

As many of know I was raised in church and have heard about every sermon there is to be preached, and have heard every “Christian” bible-based cliché that has ever been spoken. Like, “Come out from among them and be ye separate”, “avoid the very appearance of evil”, “don’t be unequally yoked”, “don’t be like the world” and so on.

I was reading the Bible the other day and I just had a vision, or thought, or gas from the bean burrito I just ate for lunch … whatever it was I found it to be interesting. And here it is: When we read in scripture about being separate from the “world”, or “be different than the ‘world’”, or “don’t associate with the ‘world’”…what does that mean, in total context?

I haven’t taken the time to research it completely, but when I think of Jesus and His life, His social habits, He seemed to live contrary to that… at least in how I always thought it to mean. But it makes more sense; actually it makes total sense with the new way I am looking at that. And that is this; Jesus really had a difficult time with the “worlds” religious establishment of His day (Pharisees & Sadducees), and thought it full of hypocrisy and all other sorts of things … He encouraged people who were in that system to COME OUT from among it, be different, be real … GO YE into the WORLD … reach the lost ... take care of the widows and orphans. And this is the very life that Jesus exampled for us. There is no doubt Jesus stood on the outside of the religious establishment of His day, but yet had one hand IN it to shake it up a bit. Really He was trying to encourage them to see Faith for what it should be ... it's not about "looking" the part, it's about "being" the part.

So maybe there is a dual meaning here … God not only wants us to come out from among the world of sin, meaning “don’t live a life of sin”, but He is also calling us to come out from among our little Christian club life, our living comfortable Christian lives, only hanging with other Christians and get out in the real world and do something to reach this world … giving the world HOPE.

Random thoughts here … haven’t thought it all through yet, but I think there is something here for us to learn … salt doesn’t do any good remaining in the salt shaker!



I normally stay clear of the political conversations just because people get their underwear in knots over it. They say, “The two things you should never talk about in public are Politics and Religion”. Well I am a pastor so I talk about religion all the time, and I am asked about politics often and usually refrain from sharing. But today I will share just enough to hopefully get you to seek out the information you need to make a good decision on Election Day.

First I want to make a couple things really clear:

1) There is no such thing as a “Christian Political Party”! I have heard people refer to “this party or that party” as being the “Christian party” and I am sorry but that is absolutely ridiculous!

2) There is more than one issue out there! Some "Christians" feel there is only ONE issue. They are mistaken.

3) I have met some Christ-loving, Christ-serving Republicans, AND some Christ-loving, Christ-serving Democrats!

The one (of many) things I love about Mercy Church is that we are probably 50% Democrat and 50% Republican (or close to it, maybe 60 – 40). Either way, typically (if I can just be honest here) churches are full of Republican voting people only (at least that has been my experience), and I think it says a lot about the people who find our church meaningful to have variety.

I recently had a conversation with a God loving, God fearing, Mercy Church member about abortion. He is Pro-choice (not pro-abortion, just pro-choice) and I am Pro-life, though I understand and see both sides of the issue and with-hold any judgment from those who differ. He expressed to me that it was refreshing to have a conversation with his pastor about such a topic and have a different view and not feel hated, condemned and judged for it.

That said … I so desire for people (especially Christ followers) to be able to have civil conversations with people with differing political views without wigging out! And of course it’s okay the secretly feel (or know) that “they” (anyone who doesn't share your correct views) are crazy … lol! Just let them be crazy!

What do you think?

God is still God

Proverbs 21:1 "The king's heart is in the hand of the LORD, as the rivers of water: he turns it wherever he will."

Many people in the nation today are concerned about the coming elections, which we should be. Though to be fearful is not a godly response. I think we would do well to remember the above scripture and pray for God's will to be done, THEN GO OUT AND VOTE!

Here is what I want you to get from my little blog today ... on November 5th God will still be God! And of course this is why I encourage everyone to SERVE GOD!


Have you heard the famous phrase, “When Pigs Fly”? I am pretty sure we are all familiar with that phrase which means that something is impossible.

I am usually not a person who believes in impossibilities. I have always held that “all things are possible to him that believes” but over the last few years I have come to understand that some things are just impossible.

And here is one of them; It’s is impossible to really to reach your full redemptive potential (to reach spiritual maturity) with out being in community.

What does that mean?

“Iron sharpens iron”, which is a statement referring to people sharpening people, but if you do not interact with “other people” then you are going to be dull (less then your best). Let me take it a step further, because I can hear people say, “I do interact with people”… maybe you do, but do you interact with people in a spiritual community?

I would get better at Tennis by and really only by hanging out with other Tennis players, and even preferably Tennis players with skills that exceed mine. I believe it is the same spiritually … you cant be a mature LONER Christian. You can be a loner, and you can be a loner Christian, but you can not be a Mature Loner Christian … impossible.

So, there you go, my opinion on one reason a Church Community is so vital to all of our spiritual lives … and a step deeper is to be involved in a small group of sorts to even go deeper.

But it’s your life, you must decide what you want spiritually, and how far you are willing to go to achieve your desires.